Ocean Sailing Expeditions Share Investment OPPORTUNITY
Released 8 February 2025 - Limit 12 investors
Full video: history, 2025-26 growth plans, results and share offer
This is your opportunity to invest directly in Ocean Sailing Expeditions Limited and receive guaranteed weekly dividends along with exclusive sailing benefits that include the yachts; Silver Fern, Te Kaihōpara, Awen and Sea Breeze III.
Investment levels;
NZD $50,000
NZD $100,000+
Shareholder benefits include;
10 - 12% p.a fixed dividends, paid weekly
40 - 50% sailing event discounts
40 - 50% private charter discounts
Watch the video below for all of the details.
Shareholder application form
Ocean Sailing Expeditions Investment process
Register above and submit your application
Pay the $1,000 refundable deposit, to reserve one of the available investment options.
Includes 7-day cooling off / change of mind period.
You will be sent a copy of;
a) The information memorandum
b) The company constitution
c) Your shareholder benefits agreement for signing
Once signed, you will be issued with an invoice for balance of investment, due within 7 days of initial registration.
Following completion, you will receive a tax receipt, share certificate and welcome pack.call.
Contact David Hows for more information
summary videos (extracted from full length video above)
results & 2025-26 growth plans (28 mins)
share offer details (10 mins)
In making this personal offer of financial products, being ordinary shares in Ocean Sailing Expeditions Limited (OSEL), OSEL confirm and you acknowledge that this is a Small offer (as defined in Schedule 1, Part 1, clause 12 of the NZ Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (“the Act”)) which Small offer does not require disclosure under the Act.