Making a booking — Ocean Sailing Expeditions My title

 Making a trip booking

1. Select your event

  • Use the top nav filters to find your event.

  • The Trip and Price details link displays a summary of the itinerary and schedule.

  • Click on select cabin.

2. Select your rate plan

  • Rate (payment and deposit) plans vary, based upon time until departure.

  • Select the plan thats the best match for you.

3. Select your cabin and occupancy

  • If you select a Share option, you are paying for berths within a shared cabin with 2-3 other guests.

  • If you select an Occupancy option, you are booking and paying for the entire cabin for 1-3 occupants

4. Add guest names

  • Add your Members name/number

  • Add partners name (if its a couple booking) and gender

  • Click Add when ready to proceed

5. Review Booking summary

6. Add contact details and diet needs

  • Enter your contact details, dietary requirements and any other special requests.

7. choose payment method

8. Review the booking summary

Your payment options are;

  • Bank Transfer

    • This reserves your booking for 7-days while you arrange payment and travel plans.

    • You can pay directly into our bank account with a wire transfer or cancel if you decide not to proceed.

  • Stripe for bookings - Pay now

    • When you click on Pay now, you will be asked to enter your credit card details.

    • When you submit the payment, the deposit payment selected will be processed (unless you have chosen a pay in full rate plan.

  • Stripe for bookings - Pay until XX date

    • When you click on Book, you will be not be asked to enter your credit card details.

    • You will be sent a confirmation email that provides you with the option to proceed prior to the expiry of your 7-day option.

    • There is nothing to pay if you do not proceed.

  • Accept the Terms & Conditions

  • Click Book to continue

9. If Stripe - Pay Now was selected

10. If Bank transfer was selected

  • You will be sent a confirmation email that provides you with the option to proceed prior to the expiry of your 7-day option.

  • You will be provided with a invoice with bank account details.

  • There is nothing to pay if you do not proceed.

11. If Stripe for bookings - Pay until XX datE was selected

  • You will be sent a confirmation email that provides you with the option to proceed prior to the expiry of your 7-day option and a link to pay online.

  • There is nothing to pay if you do not proceed.