Making a trip booking
1. Select your event
Use the top nav filters to find your event.
The Trip and Price details link displays a summary of the itinerary and schedule.
Click on select cabin.
2. Select your rate plan
Rate (payment and deposit) plans vary, based upon time until departure.
Select the plan thats the best match for you.
3. Select your cabin and occupancy
If you select a Share option, you are paying for berths within a shared cabin with 2-3 other guests.
If you select an Occupancy option, you are booking and paying for the entire cabin for 1-3 occupants
4. Add guest names
Add your Members name/number
Add partners name (if its a couple booking) and gender
Click Add when ready to proceed
5. Review Booking summary
6. Add contact details and diet needs
Enter your contact details, dietary requirements and any other special requests.
7. choose payment method
8. Review the booking summary
Your payment options are;
Bank Transfer
This reserves your booking for 7-days while you arrange payment and travel plans.
You can pay directly into our bank account with a wire transfer or cancel if you decide not to proceed.
Stripe for bookings - Pay now
When you click on Pay now, you will be asked to enter your credit card details.
When you submit the payment, the deposit payment selected will be processed (unless you have chosen a pay in full rate plan.
Stripe for bookings - Pay until XX date
When you click on Book, you will be not be asked to enter your credit card details.
You will be sent a confirmation email that provides you with the option to proceed prior to the expiry of your 7-day option.
There is nothing to pay if you do not proceed.
Accept the Terms & Conditions
Click Book to continue
9. If Stripe - Pay Now was selected
10. If Bank transfer was selected
You will be sent a confirmation email that provides you with the option to proceed prior to the expiry of your 7-day option.
You will be provided with a invoice with bank account details.
There is nothing to pay if you do not proceed.
11. If Stripe for bookings - Pay until XX datE was selected
You will be sent a confirmation email that provides you with the option to proceed prior to the expiry of your 7-day option and a link to pay online.
There is nothing to pay if you do not proceed.